Monday, September 20, 2010

Boys Don’t Play With Your Food

A “hobby farm” is defined as going broke playing with animals therefore you have to learn to cut costs where you can.  Last week I stopped by tractor supply to pick up a couple of things and found a mineral feeder marked down from $150 to $100.  Now you ask what is a mineral feeder; well it is a cattle feeder for minerals to be left in the pasture.  So what is so neat about a mineral feeder it is designed to turn in the wind where the rain will not fill it with water and destroy the minerals. 
Mineral feeder

Now I know you are wanting to know why a guy with no cattle needs a mineral feeder.  Because goats need to eat and they don’t mind playing with their food.  Because they are short they can’t stand and eat out of it like a cow could.  They have to stand on their back legs and place their front legs feet in it.  This causes it to spin and watching them learn to use it while it was turning was quiet comical but they quickly figured it out.  The last picture shows Romeo head butting the top after it hit him when it turned.  Today I was out with no camera around and Romeo was standing and eating while Maestro was standing in it to eat.
It was a good deal and their feed stays dry. 


Heather said...

learn something new everyday!

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