Friday, July 30, 2010

“Do right because it is right, not because you are compelled to.” James Warren

I am a graduate of South Pittsburg High School, class of 1989 and EVERY morning we heard the above quote until Mr. Warren retired at end of the first semester of my senior year.  Well my neighbor just recently did just that as my dad offer to pay for the replacement chickens and turkey fresh food feast of Wishbone.  Here is what I purchased in the designed chicken category I lost a couple of frizzle bantams and replaced them with Japanese Black Tail Bantams.  We bought a rooster and a hen just under a year old and some chicks DSC_0190
along with a couple of Aracuna chicks, if they are hens they will lay green eggs.  I also purchased a young bronze turkey (3-4 months) about the same age as the one I lost. 
Incase you are wondering about Lilly; she has no signs of infection, no more maggots, and is eating and drinking normally and most importantly when I open her cage (still in isolation) she meets me with a squawk as she always has.  When he was in the worst shape she would not squawk when picked up which was really out of character for her.  She loves to be held and petted but is vocal.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How fresh should chicken be?

I have often heard it said that fresh food is the much better than processed food that has bee in a package for no telling how long.  Where now I raise the question of how fresh is too fresh?  If you travel up the road from me you will find a young lady, who likes fresh chicken…VERY fresh.  As a child I bet you were told to “clean your plate” and if you have children I bet you have also made that statement. 
This is a case where she did not “clean her plate” and the Jones’ household is so glad. 
The young lady I’m speaking of is Wishbone, a dog my dad rescued from the pound.  She did eat several chickens and a young turkey but she left Lilly severely injured. 
Lilly is a feather footed bantam, who has a great demeanor, you can pick her up and hold her, without being pecked.  She will patiently sit on eggs for the required 21 days and protect the new chicks until they are ready to live on their own. 
Having been an EMT, I have worked on a few people.  I have doctored on dogs and cats in my ALMOST 40 years, but since the establishment of Rosebriar Farm, I have had to learn to doctor on chickens.  I by no means consider myself an expert but if you have many animals a trip to the vet for everything is not affordable. 
Lilly Hurt
Lilly Hurt 2
Here are some picture of where Wishbone attacked Lilly and the areas where Brad and I, have had to try to keep Lilly from getting infections that could eventually kill her.  We must be doing ok because Lilly is getting better and I getting back to her friendly self. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New on the Farm

Last August Jen posted [Just Look!] on Fiddle Dee Dee, where she shared with you about my father-in-law getting me a female Beagle, Sasha.

She has also posted  {Talkin' Turkey} where you can see the highlight of Winston’s (Jen’s male Beagle) day is chasing turkeys.  Well he obviously chased more than turkeys because last night Sasha checked into the Jones Labor and Delivery ward.

She was given a clean crate, clean towels, and a little classical (soothing) music, and the lights were turned down.  I will now share photos of her three little ones.
