Monday, September 13, 2010

Quick Update on Lilly

At the end of July I posted on Lilly being attacked, She was in really bad shape but I use a really bizarre method of doctoring on her.  I let nature take care of most of it.  I just wanted to give a brief photo update of her now that all is well.
You know she is all better when you pick her up and hear “wracccccccck” that really weird squawk she makes.  Then she just sits there and lets you pet her, loving every minute of it.  Alyssa (a little angel from church) petted a chicken for the first time you can see Alyssa was concerned and needed help deciding to really touch her.  Lilly was herself and let everyone pet her, you can even touch her beak and she just sits there. 
She takes the fear out of petting a chicken for the first time.

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

She is one gorgeous "chick." So glad she is doing better.

How many eggs do you get from your chickens?