I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to Mr. Darcy; he is a Japanese Black tail Bantam. Not only is he beautiful, but so sweet. All of the other roosters are jealous of his tail. He seems quite proud of it himself.
Unlike most of my chickens he is very photogenic. He will sit wherever you want him for a picture. Here are a few photos from a photo shoot we had the other day.
The picture below is an example of how wonderful he is he sat there and looked straight into the camera.
My wife has convinced me to step out and join a "linky" party and signed me up. My house isn't full of barnyard decorations, but you don't need it when you have the real thing. I am joining the "Barnyard Bash" @ Happier than A Pig in Mud.
Audley, this is a MUCH better post than home decor - - - MUCH BETTER!
I'm glad you joined the party, I love your blog. It's real.
BTW - - - I see you're from Bama. Roll Tide!!! I'm a HUGE college football fan - - - watch games all day long on Saturdays, generally 4 or 5 at a time.
Being a Wisconsin girl at heart, the Badgers are my first-love.
BTW - - - you might enjoy my barnyard post, it's about Wisconsin farmland, which might be right up your alley.
Oh - - - My Barnyard Bash post has a little red barn icon and is titled America's Dairyland. There're A LOT of little icons - - - that will help you find mine.
Audley, a star is born! What a beautiful rooster, and he does seem to love the camera! I can't believe he'll sit and stay for you like that! Thank you so much for joining the Barnyard Bash:@)
I think that is the prettiest rooster I have ever seen. You can come over and check out some hens that would swoon over him at my post.
GREAT BALLS OF FIRE...this is, without a doubt, the most beautiful rooster I have even seen in my entire loooong life. He is MAGNIFICENT.
Thanks sooo much for sharing with us. Hope you will do it again soon.
I am reading about different breeds of chickens to start a flock in spring. Sweet rooster is not often heard. He is a beau any chick could be proud of.
Hi Audley, love the Bantom and his girlfriend. He is a beautiful or should I say handsome boy. It's the real thing baby and certainly the best.
BIG smile here.
Oh he is a looker isn't he. What a great tail...shake, shake your tailfeathers.
What a beauty and he's just oozing with personality! I posted ones that stand still, but have no life. Want to make a trade?
Thanks for sharing your farm with us!
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