Tuesday, November 16, 2010

“Things that make you say hmm.” Eddie Murphy

Just because you have a hobby farm does not mean you have to have things like this inside your house. 
This was a gift from my parents, along with 3 chickens.  Granted my birthday is in August, I have been looking for a place to put this since then; still at a loss.
use this one


Keetha Broyles said...

I think it's very cute and I like it sitting right there.

What does your wife think?

Audley said...

Jen is a city girl and was angry I put it there for a picture. I should try to trade it far a live animal.

Jennifer said...

Play nice dear... I was not angry; just suggested it go elsewhere. LOL

Joan said...

I know exactly how you feel! My sister has been giving me chicken stuff since I stared raising chickens a little over a year ago. So far I got a mug, measuring cup and measuring spoons, wall clock, purse pack of klennex, jar with chicken head, wings and legs on it - all with chickens on them. Just because I like my chickens, that doesn't mean I want the house full of chicken stuff. And talking to her is like talking to a brick wall!!