come/go/turn full circle: if something or someone has come full circle after changing a lot, they are now the same as they were at the beginning .
I have mentioned my Great Uncle Hoolie before in my blogging, he is the person who planted the crazy idea in my head to be a farmer. I used to visit his farm as a child and he would teach me things about cattle, tractors, equipment, etc as well as let me play. His son John Glen, my cousin was one of my best cousins growing up we would spend hours playing on the farm. Well last night instead of going to the football game Maddie ( my third child), Chris, and Cassidy (John Glen’s second and third children) all spent the night with my Grand Mother. This morning I was out feeding my animals when they all three walked over from Granny's.
Take a look.
Maddie and Cassidy with a turkey feather.
Cassidy petting Lilly.
Cassidy petting Bunniculla and Chris and Maddie looking at the eggs that were collected.
Cassidy collecting eggs, she washed then and carried them to her mother.
Chris hand feeding Sally. The leash is because she was being walked by Cassidy to get fresh green grass.
Kenzie and Maddie showing them the pigs.
Feeding the pigs, bread.
This was so much fun watching them play on my farm. It meant a lot to me.
So let me explain this again: I played on my Great Uncle’s farm and today his grandchildren played on mine.
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