Monday, February 22, 2010

Quote from “Little Rascals” the Movie

As I have mentioned before I have a pot bellied pig (Hamlet) who was born in mid December; he was a Christmas gift from my sister-in-law. I also have a Basset Hound pup (Duke) that was born the end of November; he was a Valentine gift from my wife, girlfriend and lover.

To quote Stymie “You only have a once in a lifetime friend, once in a lifetime.” That is what I think every time I take Duke out the the field. He runs straight to Hamlet’s pen and they will rub noses through the wire, waiting on me to open the pen.

Once Hamlet gets out they play


and play

DSC_4200and play


This last picture is priceless, they are having a chicken scratch snack at Hamlet’s place.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

these two just crack me up!