Thursday, March 11, 2010

You have to love technology….

Jen introduced me to craigslist where I can look for useful things for the farm without having to get up at the crack of dawn on Saturday and spend all day at the flea market blowing money.  I have been wanting goats for a long time and last week I found a few that interested me.  We want to get a young one where we can handle it and work on developing a calm temperament.  So last week I sent out a few emails to the folks that had goats available.  This one guy did not impress me because he wanted me to take it at three days old; I would really like for it to be weaned. 

As you may know from reading Jen’s blog I travel quiet a bit with my job.   Tuesday I found out I needed to fly to the D.C. area for a Thursday meeting returning on Friday.  Thursday, I received an email on my blackberry with a picture of a young goat that I had inquired about.  I forwarded the picture to the home office of Rosebriar Farm for a purchase order Jen for her blessing.  Later i sent the gentleman a response stating I would like him to hold the goat until weaned and I would agree to purchase it.   

BabyGoats 007BabyGoats 002

I thought you would like to see the new fellow and maybe give me ideas of a name.  It is a boy so no girly names.  It is awesome being able to have technology at your finger tips that allow me to add to the farm while working out of town.

1 comment:

Vee said...

Jen sent me over... You're not going to make her take care of him, right? He's awful about Kyoot? Too girly?