Friday, July 30, 2010

“Do right because it is right, not because you are compelled to.” James Warren

I am a graduate of South Pittsburg High School, class of 1989 and EVERY morning we heard the above quote until Mr. Warren retired at end of the first semester of my senior year.  Well my neighbor just recently did just that as my dad offer to pay for the replacement chickens and turkey fresh food feast of Wishbone.  Here is what I purchased in the designed chicken category I lost a couple of frizzle bantams and replaced them with Japanese Black Tail Bantams.  We bought a rooster and a hen just under a year old and some chicks DSC_0190
along with a couple of Aracuna chicks, if they are hens they will lay green eggs.  I also purchased a young bronze turkey (3-4 months) about the same age as the one I lost. 
Incase you are wondering about Lilly; she has no signs of infection, no more maggots, and is eating and drinking normally and most importantly when I open her cage (still in isolation) she meets me with a squawk as she always has.  When he was in the worst shape she would not squawk when picked up which was really out of character for her.  She loves to be held and petted but is vocal.

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